The furniture industry is at the forefront of circular logic and thus plays an important role in the green transition. However, the share of resources that are recycled in Sweden remains relatively low. During the seminar, a new report will be presented, featuring five proposals on how to increase the total amount of resources being recycled in Sweden, using the furniture industry as a starting point. The report highlights how the furniture sector is addressing sustainability challenges, particularly the goal of creating a circular society, and outlines the measures needed for the industry to take the next step in circular development.

Speakers: Simon Imner, Industrial Policy Expert, Swedish Wood and Furniture Federation; Christian Lodgaard Chief Design Officer Flokk; Johanna Ljunggren, Member of the Swedish Circular Economy Delegation and Sustainability Manager Kinnarps.

Moderator: Alexandra Hernadi, Head of Communications, Swedish Wood and Furniture Industries.

Language Eng