Plan your visit to Stockholm Furniture Fair
Frequently asked questions & answers
When is the next Stockholm Furniture Fair?
The next edition of the Stockholm Furniture Fair will be in February 2026 at Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö.
What are the opening hours of Stockholm Furniture Fairs?
Stockholm Furniture Fair is open to trade visitors Tuesday-Saturday and to the public on Saturday.
Tuesday-Friday: 9.00-18.00
Saturday: 10.00-17.00
What can I see at Stockholm Furniture Fair?
Stockholm Furniture Fair is Scandinavia’s leading platform for furniture and lighting design. Held annually in Stockholm, the fair attracts designers, architects, interior designers, buyers and enthusiasts from around the world. Our exhibitors offer a diverse range of products that appeal to a wide audience, with an emphasis on the public environment.
The fair also offers inspiring exhibitions with a focus on knowledge dissemination and an extensive program of activities, seminars, workshops and talks.